Charred Rugged Split Oak Logs


The Real Fyre Charred Royal English Oak Logs for G31 three(3)-tiered burner system creates high and full-bodied flame…while using fewer BTU’s than other vented burner systems. This burner has 2 specially designed log sets…PLUS it is also compatible with 7 additional gas log sets from the Real Fyre Vented Charred Series Collection.

Superior refractory ceramics ensure the logs retain their strength at high temperatures -Burns efficiently while protecting natural resources and reducing pollution -High definition bark and natural colors for an authentic wood look -Steel rods inserted in each log provides maximum reinforcement -Radiant heat while in operation and after set has been turned off -Accessories available to enhance the look of your hearth

Western Campfyre

This hand-painted original, modeled from real wood samples, captures the realism, texture, and subtle nuance of nature’s handiwork and adds a touch of elegance to your home.
-Superior refractory ceramics ensure the logs retain their strength at high temperatures -Burns efficiently while protecting natural resources and reducing pollution -High definition bark and natural colors for an authentic wood look -Steel rods inserted in each log provides maximum reinforcement -Radiant heat while in operation and after set has been turned off -Accessories available to enhance the look of your hearth

Mountain White Birch

This hand-painted original, modeled from real wood samples, captures the realism, texture, and subtle nuance of nature’s handiwork and adds a touch of elegance to your home.
-Superior refractory ceramics ensure the logs retain their strength at high temperatures -Burns efficiently while protecting natural resources and reducing pollution -High definition bark and natural colors for an authentic wood look -Steel rods inserted in each log provides maximum reinforcement -Radiant heat while in operation and after set has been turned off -Accessories available to enhance the look of your hearth

Rugged Split Oak Logs

Since originating the gas log set over 65 years ago, Real Fyre has grown to offer the broadest selection of log sets to enhance the home, and the most innovative technologies to safeguard the environment. Through it all, the Classic Series has withstood the test of time with traditional favorites.
  • Superior refractory ceramics ensure the logs retain their strength at high temperatures
  • Burns efficiently while protecting natural resources and reducing pollution
  • High definition bark and natural colors for an authentic wood look
  • Steel rods inserted in each log provides maximum reinforcement
  • Most realistic flame presentation
  • Accessories available to enhance the look of your hearth

Burnt Rustic Oak

This hand-painted original, modeled from real wood samples, captures the realism, texture, and subtle nuance of nature’s handiwork and adds a touch of elegance to your home.